Sharing European Educational Experience in Public Health for Israel (SEEEPHI):

Harmonization, employability, leadership and outreach.

European Union Sharing European Educational Experience in Public Health for Israel (SEEEPHI): Harmonization, employability, leadership and outreach
(618578-EPP-1-2020-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) is co-funded by the EU ERASMUS+ Key Action 2: Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education.

Activity log

21 jun 2021

On Wednesday 19 May, 15:30-16:30 CEST, SEEEPHI project participated in EUPHA's European Public Health Week (EUPHW) with a Round Table networking event to to introduce the project and to discuss applying EU tools and best practices at the country and local level for the daily theme 'Your Local Community'.

The project was presented in order to discuss transferring European Good Practices locally with a welcome and introduction from ASPHER President John Middleton. Project Manager, Lore Leighton presented the overall project. Samara Segal, co-Project Manager for the WILLIAM project was on hand to provide lessons-learned and avice from another ERASMUS+ Capacity Building project in Israel. Itamar Grotto, Director of Public Health Services joined the meeting to discuss how he sees SEEEPHI working for Israel. There was open discussion, especially in the context of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. SEEEPHI External Evaluator, Paul Barach relected on the possibilities for the project.

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region Ashkelon Academic College Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine Hebrew University of Jerusalem University College Cork University of Haifa Jagiellonian University Israeli Medical Association Israel Association of Public Health Physicians Swedish Red Cross Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Maastricht University